SORM Playlist #14-38: Nordic Roots
(airing the week starting 09-17-14)
Tom explores the depths of Nordic folk. Bring your coats!
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Artist / “Title” / CD / Label
Pete Seeger / “If I Had A Hammer” / Songs Of Hope And Struggle /
JPP / “Karjalan Yleiskatrille-Common Aquadrille from Karelia” /
History / Northside
Sinikka Langeland / “Den Lille Floyten-The Little Flute” /
Starflowers / ECM
Tone Hulbaekmo / “Der Ginger En Skjonn Jomfru-The Beautiful Maid
on a Mountain High” / The Sweet Sunny North Vol.2 / Shanachie
Bjornsdotter – Reid / “Gumas Polska-Soderstens Minne-Polska’” /
Grover och grant-Rough and Shiny / Self Produced
Vasen / “Ploska” / Gront / Northside
Hal & Nikolaj / “Sparta-Haltwhistle Common” / Folk and Roots
From Denmark 2009 / Danish Folk Council
Jeff Anderson & Jane Johnson / “No Name Schottische” / Nordic
Spirit / Voyager
JPP / “Marssi Amerikkalaisesta Nuottikirjasta-March fro American
Sheet Music Book” / History / Northside
Blue Moose & the Unbuttoned Zippers / “Burbank Street” / The
Antler Sessions / Self Produced
Dwight Lamb and Jensen & Bugge / “Mor, jeg skal tisse + Ude
pa landet” / Live in Denmark 2013 Part Two / Go Danish Folk Music
Andrea Hoag, Loretta Kelley & Chrlie Pilzer / “Dur och moll-
Skinnbracka med luku-Horga dur” / Hambo in the Barn / Azalea City
Aly Bain & Ale Moller / “Kung Karl’s Marsch-Djavulspolska-King Karl’s
March-Devil’s Polka” / Beyond the Stacks / Northside
Kirsten Braten Berg / “Halling Jorond” / From Senegal to Setesdal /
6 Degrees
Sven Nyhus / “Fanitullen-The Devil’s Tune” / Devil’s Tune / Northside
Pete Seeger / “If I Had A Hammer” / Songs of Hope and Struggle /