Univ. of Chicago Press: Who Killed Cock Robin


Jesse Winchester Passes — 4 Comments

  1. Just learned last night of Jesse’s passing. He was my favorite songwriter. He reminded me of the author Peter Taylor. In 1967, when I was 17 he left the states as a man of conscience. I understood how brave he was to give up everything in his music career. He didn’t push his believes on others. didn’t write songs about what people should think. We got to see him in Santa Fe, NM in a small club in the late 80’s. He had a paperback he was reading between sets and no one wanted to interrupt him. It is too bad that he is gone. It makes me want to sing his songs.

  2. He’s a draft dodger. I had friends and a brother that signed up.

    • Dick Cheney was a draft dodger. Jesse Winchester was a draft protester. I too had a brother who served in Nam. When he came home, he joined Vietnam Vets Against the War and protested it. I served in the Army ’56 to ’58 but I would not have served in that misbegotten war.

  3. I heard of Jessie prior to Elvis Costello tv show where I hear him do “Shamma lamma ding dong”. Blown away I contacted him and introduced myself. When I said,I’m one of The Dovells, the group that did The Bristol Stomp” he turned to his wife and they were so excited. My wife Isabel and I flew to Austin and saw his show at The Cactus Cafe…blew me out of my seat. Thrilled to have spent some time backstage. I listen to his music quite often. So sad.