On the Cover: Alison Brown (Photo by Tony Baker ©)
Alison Brown: Her Aim Is True ................... by Kari Estrin
Tom Lehrer: The Elements .......... by Roger Deitz
Chris Strachwitz: Mining America's Roots ................... by Scott Alarik
Philadelphia Jerry Ricks ................... by Mark Greenberg
Dave Carter & Tracy Grammar ................... by Matt Watroba
Harmonia ................... by Judy Barlas
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First Words ..... by Mark D. Moss
Behind the Song (Ella Speed) ..... by John Cowley & John Garst
Teach-In: Fiddle (Traditional Bluegrass Solos) ..... by Stacy Phillips
Teach-In: Harmonica (Big Walter Horton Part III) ..... by Glenn Weiser
Appleseeds ..... by Pete Seeger
Courting The Muse (Writing Old Songs) ..... by Si Kahn
Homemade Jams ..... by Robb Bledsoe
The British-North America Act ..... by Ian Robb
The Folk Process ..... by Faith Petric
The Songfinder ..... by Shelley Posen
The Endless Tale ..... by Dan Keding
Kidsbeat ..... by Sandy Byer
RagTag ..... by Roger Deitz
Broadsides (Letters to the Editor)
What’s Happening (Folk music news and information)
Last Chorus (Obituaries for James S. Hill, Valerio Longoria, Eddie LeJeune, Elster "Red" Ratliff, Leonard Kwan, Ruth Rubin and Al Grierson)
Off the Beaten Track (Recording Reviews)
Publication Noted (A comprehensive listing of folk music releases from December '00 through February ’01)
Festival & Camp Guide (A complete listing of events for January '01 through May ’01)
AVAILABLE ONLINE: Sing Out! Radio Partners (Listing of folk radio programs)
Folk Marketplace (Classified Ads)
Advertisers Index (List and links for all advertisers in this issue)